State issues Covid-19 guidelines, stress laid on maintaining caution & strict vigilance

Following the directions issued by the Central government, the State government too has issued guidelines for continuing the unlock provisions till January 31, 2021. The guidelines issued on Wednesday by the chief secretary Om Prakash stress on the need for maintaining caution and strict surveillance considering the fresh surge in cases globally and emergence of a new variant of the virus in United Kingdom. Strict vigil is also needed to be maintained to prevent any fresh surge in cases in the wake of the upcoming new year celebrations and ongoing winter season which are favourable for the spread of the virus.
With the Government of India starting preparations for administration and roll-out of vaccine for Covid-19, the National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19 has recommended prioritisation of this vaccine during initial phases to healthcare workers, frontline workers, persons aged 50 years and above and those aged below 50 years with comorbidities. The district magistrates may instruct the authorities concerned for active support to the department of health and family welfare in identification, preparation of database, vaccine delivery, storage, security, shipment and vaccination of beneficiaries. The guidelines also draw attention to Supreme Court directions on December 18 to state governments for strict enforcement of guidelines/SOPs issued by Union/State governments; strict compliance on Covid appropriate behaviour like wearing masks, keeping social distancing etc, stern action against those violating the guidelines; regulation of gatherings etc, considering imposition of curfew on weekends/night and enforcement of complete lockdown in containment zones. Based on their assessment of the situation, the districts may impose local restrictions like night curfew to contain the spread of Covid-19.
However, there shall be no restriction on inter-state and intra-state movement of persons and goods including those for cross land-border trade under treaties with neighbouring countries.
Wednesday, 30 December 2020 | PNS | Dehradun