Take lesson from Kerala experience: Nautiyal

Kerala witnessed 126% increase in Covid-19 cases after Onam
The founder of Social Development for Communities (SDC) foundation, Anoop Nautiyal has said that the Uttarakhand should take a lesson from the Kerala experience where the Covid-19 cases witnessed an increase of 126 percent after the festival of Onam and plan accordingly for the upcoming festival season. He said that with the festivals like Dussehra and Diwali round the corner, there is no space for lowering the guard against the disease. Nautiyal said that the last few days have brought relief to the state in terms of less number of Covid-19 cases and higher recovery rate but the state should now remain prepared for the next challenge to keep the contagion under check in the upcoming festival season.
“The Kerala experience and Onam case study should be kept in mind when we plan our upcoming festival Corona management strategy in Uttarakhand. Citizens also need to exercise self restraint during these days,’’ he said.