Traders, BJP leaders demand removal of outsiders from markets

Monday, 13 MAY 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN
A joint delegation of traders- trading from the main markets located in Clock Tower and Dispensary Road aside from the iconic Paltan Bazaar- and BJP leaders met the city magistrate Pratush Singh, the additional district magistrate Bir Singh Budhiyal and the CO city Neeraj Semwal and urged them to take steps to protect the local traders from the onslaught of outsiders who are hampering their trades by using carts, ring stands and the like. The BJP leaders who were in the delegation were the BJP MLA Khajan Das and the party’s Doon metropolitan magistrate Siddharth Aggarwal.
They demanded the admistration to remove such encroachers and clear the roads of their carts to enable the shoppers move freely in the highly congested markets.