UKPSC launches new website with various features

Friday, 27 May 2022 | PNS | Dehradun
The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission chairman Rakesh Kumar launched the commission’s new website on Thursday. For the convenience of candidates, among other important links, the new website also has a candidate corner through which the candidates can get information about notification, admit card, answer key and online objection, results, syllabus, old question papers, GOs, format download and user manual. Further, the website is mobile compatible. From now onward, information related to various exams conducted by the commission will be displayed on its new website while the information released before May 26 can be viewed on the commission’s old website. Commission members JS Rana, Ravi Dutt Godiyal, Anil Kumar Rana, Nandi, Richa Gaur and various officials were also present on the occasion.