Union Panchayati Raj secretary reviews Swamitva Yojana
The e- booklets and audio visual training modules of the Panchayati Raj department of Uttarakhand drew praise from the visiting Union Panchayati Raj secretary, Sunil Kumar and the Union joint secretary A P Nagar during a review of the department’s functioning here on Thursday.
The secretary Panchayati Raj department Uttarakhand, H C Semwal said that the union secretary and joint secretary released the booklets prepared by the department for capacity building of the Panchayat representatives. In the meeting the additional Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Centre for Public Planning and good governance, Manoj Pant explained about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Planning and Panchayati Raj department. The associate Professor of IIT Roorkee, Uttam Kumar presented a paper on local planning. Presentations on subjects like the help desk system, solid waste management in Panchayats and Ownership were made by experts in the meeting. The secretary and joint secretary also interacted with Panchayat representatives on the occasion.
Earlier,officers of the Union government met the Surveyor General of India and held elaborate discussion on ‘Swamitva Yojana’. The duo also called upon the Chief Secretary of Uttarakhand Om Prakash on the day.
Friday, 11 December 2020 | PNS | Dehradun