Various trains cancelled or deferred on Haridwar-Dehradun route

Wednesday 13, 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
Due to maintenance work between Raiwala and Kansro railway station on the Haridwar-Dehradun railway section today which will affect train services for over nine hours, the Northern Railway has cancelled or deferred various trains. The traffic and power will remain blocked too due to the work of changing RH-girder on road under bridge (RUB) on the said routes on Haridwar-Dehradun railway section on Wednesday for over nine hours. The Dehradun railway station master Sitaram Sonkar informed that an unreserved special train will be operated from Dehradun to Haridwar on Wednesday at 5 PM which will arrive in Haridwar at 6:12 PM to prevent inconvenience for the daily passengers. The Shatabdi Express (02017), Naini-Doon Jan Shatabdi Express (02092) and Dehradun- Amritsar Express Special (04663) will remain cancelled between Haridwar and Dehradun. The New Delhi Shatabdi Express (02018) will depart from Haridwar at its usual time but will remain cancelled between Dehradun and Haridwar. Doon-Naini Jan Shatabdi Special train (02091) will remain cancelled between Dehradun and Haridwar too but its timing of departure from Haridwar has been rescheduled to 6:40 PM, one hour late than its usual timing. The operation of the Dehradun-Varanasi Janata Special train (04266) has also been deferred by one hour in the evening. The Dehradun- Amritsar Express Special (04663) will also operate from Haridwar at 9:30 PM. The trains Yoga Express Special (09031/32) and Prayagraj Sangam-Yog Nagari Rishikesh Special (04229/30) will also remain cancelled between Haridwar and Rishikesh but will depart at their usual timing in the evening. The officials said that the passengers have also been informed about the cancelled trains and the amount will be refunded to those who have already booked tickets.
Trains cancelled due to foggy winter ahead
The Northern Railway has cancelled various trains in Uttarakhand in view of possible foggy weather during the winter season from December 1 to February 28. The Dehradun railway station master Sitaram Sonkar informed that the railway has announced these cancellations beforehand to avoid any inconvenience to the passengers during this period. The Yog Nagari Rishikesh –Jammu Tawi Special train (04605/06) will operate only on certain days from December 1. The trains which will remain cancelled for the next three months since December are Janta Special trains (04265/66) between Varanasi-Dehradun, Jan Shatabdi Special (02053/54) between Haridwar and Amritsar, and Ujjaini Express Special (04309/10) between Dehradun and Ujjain.