Women express concern over Cheema’s comment

Sunday, 07 JULY 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN
Many women have voiced their concerns regarding the statement made by former BJP MLA Harbhajan Singh Cheema on crimes against women. They claimed that he should have focused on the need for parents and teachers to educate children about respecting one another instead of blaming the attire of women for the rise in crimes against them. The chairperson of the Uttarakhand State Commission for Women (USCW) Kusum Kandwal rejected Cheema’s statement and said that clothing does not correlate with the escalating number of crimes against women in the State.
A young woman working in an IT company Shruti Rawat expressed her concerns about the remarks made by the politician regarding women. She said that she believed that clothing choice is a personal decision for individuals, regardless of gender and should be respected. She said that instead of making such comments, the leader should promote teachings of respect and value for one another starting from a young age through society, schools and parents.
Local Rashi Jain recalled a time when traditional attire like suits and saris were common, but acknowledges that fashion has evolved over the years. She condemned the leader’s assertion linking women’s attire to gender crimes. She said that it is incorrect to attribute the increase in crimes to the way women dress currently. She emphasised that it is crucial for individuals to promote a message of equality and mutual respect within society.
Kandwal further expressed her disagreement with the notion that crimes against women have risen due to adoption of western clothing. She stressed the importance of parents and teachers educating children from a young age about respect and guiding them in the right direction. She pointed out that crime against women has been sensationalised through social media rather than being directly linked to women’s clothing choices.