When the game turns tiresome

To an observer of happenings in India especially during recent years the ongoing farmers’ agitation might not appear to be something new. There is a pattern in the things that have been happening in recent years and the key players in these happenings are unlikely to say what the real deal is.
Rewind to not that long ago when passing of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) elicited protests by political parties and some citizens. The opposition by politicians was not that effective in building an image like say the Shaheen Bagh protest. While some opposed the protest itself, others glorified it and with the use of aids like social media as usual, the issue was escalated to make news in the global arena. Some small protests were also held in a few foreign countries. The government assured parliamentarians and citizens opposing the Act that their fears were unfounded. Not so surprisingly, while the Congress had earlier been opposing the said law and expressing fears about it snatching the citizenship of Indians, later senior Congress leader and former law minister Kapil Sibal said, “We never said CAA will take anybody’s citizenship.” While aspects were found which questioned the genuineness of the Shaheen Bagh protest touted as an organic protest, those who dislike Prime Minister Narendra Modi remain convinced that there was nothing wrong in it.
Coming back to the present, the agitation against the farm laws also appears to follow the pattern exhibited in the anti-CAA movement. The government states that it has done what the Congress and other opposition parties had promised to do in the past but were unable to do. The government also claims that discussions were held before the laws were passed. The social media is full of newspaper clippings and other records showing the ones opposing the farm laws now actually promising or demanding or welcoming the same in the past. There may have been some gaps in the laws but the government has now assured that these will be rectified as demanded by farmers. However, just like some people were made to fear that CAA would take away their citizenship, some farmers are being made to fear that they will lose their lands and livelihood due to the farm laws.
Anyone who is aware of how the government functions will know that it is unlikely that the BJP government at the centre was unaware of how and what the farmers’ agitation would turn into. It seems improbable that astute politicians would be so unaware. Apart from the intelligence agencies being efficient enough the politicians also have their own ways of gauging things to stay ahead in the race. One may wonder why the government did not clearly inform the citizens and dispel doubts instead of letting fears fuel agitations in both the cases. Some analysts have opined that this is the strategy of the Modi government to expose both its political rivals and also to make “anti-national” elements come out in the open. One doesn’t believe that simply criticising the government or opposing aspects of its functioning make a citizen anti-national. However, it is also a fact that both the agitations did expose some dubious elements even if some of the protesters may have been genuine. Other analysts opine that the anti-CAA and farmers’ agitation are signs of the BJP’s complacency or over-confidence. They state that even if Modi may be the best or even the only option for now, the focus should be on the nation and not on hero worship. The BJP which has used communication, perception and the social media very effectively to influence the citizens appears to be lacking in the very skills it used to reach the position it is in today. However, is that really the case?
It is a fact that while more left wingers are aware of their ideological literature than right wingers, the right wing at times appears to be facing a Bhasmasur. The very means that the BJP used in the past to consolidate public support in its favour are now being used against it even if without visible long term effects. What this is doing is that it is making ignorant people experts in various spheres, especially on social media where opinionated narratives are built and spread. One finds it hard to believe that the powers that be have not anticipated the current scenario. And even though there are some who are aware of certain aspects of this game which are not discussed publicly, what one can opine freely is that the game is becoming tiresome.
Saturday, 19 December 2020 | Paritosh Kimothi | Dehradun