Youth arrested with 200 grammes of smack

Friday, 21 October 2022 | PNS | HARIDWAR
The Ranipur police apprehended a person with about 200 grammes of smack late on Thursday night. According to the police, the seized contraband is worth several lakhs of rupees in the market.
According to the information received from Ranipur Kotwali, the police were getting information for some time that a smuggler is consistently supplying consignments of drugs in the police station area. The smuggler was said to be coming with a consignment of smack late on Thursday night. On the basis of this information, the police made a strategy to nab the smuggler. The police with the help of special operation group set up a team to apprehend the suspect.
Meanwhile, a white colored unnumbered vehicle coming from Kaliyar’s side was stopped by the police. The driver initially attempted to escape but failed in his attempt to the police cordon. When the police searched the vehicle, about 200 grammes of smack was found in it. The man was apprehended and taken to the Kotwali by the police.
Superintendent of police (city) Swatantra Kumar Singh said that a smack smuggler had been caught in the campaign of Uttarakhand Police against drugs. On being questioned, the accused identified as Manglaur native Rizwan (27) said that he had bought the smack from a man named Shabbir of Moradabad. He had come to sell this smack to the youth in Ravali Mehdood, Salempur and SIIDCUL areas.