MCD on track to achieve Rs 50 crore target

Saturday, 28 January 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN
With a collection of about Rs 30 crore in the past 10 months, the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) appears to be on track to achieve its target of collecting Rs 50 crore as property tax revenue in this financial year. The municipal tax superintendent Dharmesh Painuly said that the revenue collection remained affected due to Covid-19 in the financial years 2020-21 and 2021-22 but the situation improved this financial year. He said that about 50,000 taxpayers have deposited tax in the corporation so far through online and offline mode.
The corporation has also taken initiatives like starting a self assessment process of documents online for property tax submission besides making the website user friendly for tax submission. Painuly said that such initiatives have proven to be significant in increasing online tax submission by 20 per cent through online transactions than the previous years. He said that it is only about 10 per cent of the total tax collection but it is still a great improvement and crucial achievement for MCD. Besides this, numbers of taxpayers are also increasing this year.
MCD has already registered nearly over 2,000 new property taxpayers in the past three months. Painuly said that about 50,000 taxpayers have deposited tax so far and this number is expected to reach around one lakh by March end as most of the locals tend to pay taxes in the last two months. The corporation also expects non-residential establishments like Forest Research Institute (FRI) with pending property tax of about Rs three crore to deposit the tax by March that will also increase their revenue collection. All these factors will play a major role in achieving the target of collecting property tax of Rs 50 crore this year, added the tax superintendent. He said that the corporation will also witness a considerable rise in property tax collection after the Geographic Information System (GIS) based survey for property mapping completes in the city.