APMC starts inspection to check to overprice of fruits and vegetables in Dehradun

Saturday, 24 April 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
In order to restrict the overcharging of fruits and vegetables by local vendors in the city, the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) of Dehradun formed teams to check the prices on the direction of the district magistrate Ashish Kumar Srivastava. For the last few days, the local vendors have been selling fruits and vegetables in Dehradun at higher prices despite the fact that there is no considerable hike in their prices in the Niranjanpur Mandi.
As informed by the APMC members, the committee received multiple complaints that many local vendors and shopkeepers are selling the fruits and vegetables at higher prices. Though there is no considerable change in the prices of the produces in the Mandi, the officials said that the committee still could not interfere with how local sellers sell the vegetables and fruits in the local market as it does not have any authority anymore to enquire them as per the rules. However, when the DM directed the committee to check the sudden hike in the prices of vegetables and fruits, the secretary of the committee, Vijay Thapliyal formed three teams on Friday. According to him, he has formed three mobile teams to visit various locations to check the prices of the vegetables and fruits in the local market. On Friday, a team led by the Mandi inspector, Ajay Dabral visited various local markets of fruits and vegetables in Dharampur, Chhee Number Puliya, Araghar, Lal Pul and Moti Bazaar.
According to Dabral, the team checked the prices of the vegetables and fruits at these local markets and also directed the vendors to display an updated price list of available fruits and vegetables every day. “They were warned that if they would not display updated price list or would charge high for any vegetable and fruit, the administration would take strict action against the offenders,” informed Dabral. The officials asserted that the three teams would continue such inspections across the city to check and regulate the overcharging of vegetables and fruits so that the vendors do not cheat the customers.