CMO conducts burn ward & fire safety inspection at GDMC and DH

Thursday, 30 MAY 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN
In light of the recent fire safety advisory issued by the State health department for the hospitals, the chief medical officer (CMO) Dehradun Dr Sanjay Jain conducted an inspection of the district hospital and Government Doon Medical College (GDMC) Hospital on Wednesday. The inspection was aimed at assessing the facilities available at the burn wards of both the State-run health facilities along with conducting a fire safety audit in the hospitals.
During the inspection of the district hospital, Dr Jain saw that the burn ward which had been damaged during a recent ransacking incident remained unrepaired. He instructed the hospital authorities to have it fully repaired at the earliest and start admitting burn patients. He also directed only serious burn cases be referred to GDMC Hospital.
Jain also conducted an inspection of the five- bed burn ICU and the seven- bed burn ward at GDMC Hospital. All beds in the ward and ICU were found occupied by patients during the inspection. The CMO interacted with the admitted patients.
The deputy medical superintendent at GDMC Dr Dhananjay Dobhal informed the CMO that an application for a no- objection certificate concerning fire safety arrangements at the facility has been submitted and is expected to be granted very soon.