
AV training modules finding favour with Panchayat representatives

Tuesday, 20 October 2020 | PNS | Dehradun

Objective of these modules is to enhance knowledge of the Panchayat representatives and their capacity building

The audio visual training module adopted by the Panchayati Raj department for imparting training to the representatives of three tier Panchayati Raj system is eliciting very good response. These training modules are being telecast on DD free dish, Dish TV, UCN, BSN and DEN cable networks from October 7 to 21 from 3 PM to 4.30 PM. The idea of preparing audio visual modules for training was mooted by the secretary Panchayati Raj, H C Semwal. The training of Panchayat representatives was needed to be done after their election early this year.

 The Panchayati raj department had done all the preparation for imparting training to the Panchayat representatives but the process was suspended due to the pandemic of Covid-19.  Semwal told The Pioneer that under the revised plan, audio visual training modules on different aspects of local self governance were prepared. These modules are being telecast now and they are available on the website of department and U- tube channel of the department. He said that the objective of the module is to enhance knowledge of the Panchayat representatives and their capacity building.

“These modules contain inputs of experts of different fields and cover all 29 subjects mentioned in 11th schedule of the constitution and can be easily disseminated by the representatives of  7791 Gram Panchayats, 95 blocks and 13 districts with a click of the mouse. The idea is that not only the Panchayat representatives but the whole rural population can get information about the various schemes of Panchayati Raj department and other linear departments,’’ Semwal said.

A Panchayat representative said that the audio visual training provided by the department has helped him to understand his role in a better way.  He said that since these modules are available on the website of department one can access them whenever required.

These modules are on agriculture, land improvement, land reforms, land consolidation, soil conservation, animal husbandry, dairy development, fisheries, minor irrigation, social forestry, small scale industry, safe drinking water, Khadi and village industry, rural housing, rural electrification, education, rural roads, non conventional sources of energy, technical training, adult education, Public Distribution System, community assets, social welfare, sanitation and women and child development.

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