Bahuguna’s message remembered- say yes to life & no to death

Friday, 28 May 2021 | PNS | Dehradun
The noted environmentalist Sunder Lal Bahuguna who passed away on May 21 while bravely battling Covid-19 at the age of 94 years, shared an affectionate bond with Natraj Green bookshop and with its late owner Sohan Lall. They both were born in 1927 and had graduated from the same college in Lahore.
Bahuguna had met Lall in the bookshop in the late seventies. Upendra Arora of Natraj had the opportunity of meeting Bahuguna last year after the world was hit by Covid-19 and asked him if he had any message for the nation and also took the opportunity to show him the old photograph of him visiting the bookshop. He recorded his message to telling effect and wrote “say yes to life and no to death”.
Bahaguna was always deeply appreciative of the fact that a bookshop dedicated to spreading the message of environment conservation was present in the heart of the city. He felt that Natraj would serve as a reminder for all generations to come to protect and save nature. Bahuguna’s compassion for saving forests, should be a positive reinforcement to us all in these unprecedented times, that nature does have an answer to all ills of society, said Arora.