Body donation after death should be promoted: VC

Friday, 16 October 2020 | PNS | Dehradun
GDMC sets up memorial roll for body donors in anatomy dept
In a novel attempt to preserve the memory of those who had donated their body for medical research and studies, the administration of Government Doon Medical College (GDMC) here has set up an honour roll in its department of anatomy on Thursday. The board containing details of the donors was unveiled by the Vice Chancellor (VC) of HNB Medical Education University Hem Chandra Pandey and Principal of GDMC, Dr Ashutosh Sayana on the occasion of World Anatomy Day.
Speaking on the occasion, the VC appreciated the efforts of the anatomy department for honouring the memory of the body donors. He said that the concept of the donation of the body after death should be promoted in the society. The Principal GDMC, Dr Sayana said that through knowledge of human anatomy is essential for medical students.
The Head of Department (HOD) of anatomy, Dr M K Pant said that without anatomy, medical science cannot be even imagined. He said that many people are coming forward to donate their body for medical studies after death and the concept should be promoted in the society. Since its establishment a total of 14 people have donated their body to the GDMC. Dr Pant informed that one can register for body donation after death and so far 13 people have registered for the cause.
An online session with those who have pledged their bodies was held on the occasion. One such person, 70 year old Dinesh Chandra Pant said that very few people donate their body after death which hinders medical research in our country. “ In our religious books, the body is considered as mortal and if my mortal body is of some use after my death I will consider it as my Moksha,’’ Pant said.
An online e poster completion on the subject ‘Living Anatomy, how far we can go’ was also organised for students on the occasion.