Cambrian Hall Alumni Association plant 550 saplings

Members of Cambrian Hall Alumni Association (CHAA) in Dehradun planted 550 saplings as part of their pledge towards Green Dehradun, coinciding with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign. Senior functionaries of the association said that 126 members from across the world together with its ex-teachers in Dehradun participated in the plantation programme.
President, CHAA Rajiv Jindal said that they had spent their childhood in a lush green Dehradun amidst the serene valley. “Unfortunately, in the race of progress and growth, our beautiful city is losing its old charm and fast moving towards becoming a concrete jungle. Hence, this plantation drive,” he added. The saplings planted include Amla, Amaltas, Gulmohor and mango.