Women auto drivers in Doon celebrate their dare

Hasan Hadi | Dehradun
Women in the Doon Valley are now breaking the glass ceiling in many hitherto male-dominated fields. Auto rickshaw driving is one of them. There are around 11 women driving rickshaws across the Dehradun city.
Gulista Ansari was the first to break barriers and inspired many others to take up the challenge and earn a living. When asked what had inspired her to intrude into the exclusive male-dominated domain, she beamed and said it was an inner urge to stand on her feet financially. “I am now happy to see women daring the gender bar and doing things which were unimaginable even a decade ago,” she smiled.
To encourage things on the way to establishment of gender parity in this domain, a special pink auto-rickshaw stand meant for the women drivers has been set up near the Doon Hospital recently.
Recounting her experiences, Gulista said: “I have been driving my rickshaw for the past seven years in the city and my route is MDDA Colony to Tehsil Chowk. When women see me in the driver’s seat they feel proud and encourage me. Some even ask me to teach them how to drive.”
Talking about safety, she nodded. “Yes, many women, especially the college girls, prefer to ride with me because they feel safe. One girl told me she had to often walk back home because she couldn’t find a woman-driven rickshaw.”
Another female driver, Bina Chetri shared her story, too. “When I started driving I felt shy. But now, I am confident,” she said. Bina has been driving for two years.
It was a compulsion for her too. “My husband bought the auto rickshaw with a loan taken from a finance company. Then he died and I had to step in his shoes. There was no other option. For, I have to earn enough to cover my expenses. Besides, there are children to be taken care of. What I am earning now is enough for me to clear my house rent and pay for my children’s education,” she added ebulliently.