52 girls to become ‘drone didi’: Arya

Sports and Youth Welfare minister Rekha Arya announced that a training programme on drone operation is being conducted within the Directorate of Youth Welfare and the Prantiya Rakshak Dal (PRD) to enhance career opportunities for girls from remote areas of Uttarakhand.
Arya stated that a total of 52 girls from the remote regions are set to become “Drone Didis.” A special training camp for these underprivileged girls is underway at the Youth Welfare and PRD directorate. The girls have been selected from various districts including Chamoli, Uttarkashi, Pithoragarh and Champawat. She informed that the purpose of this camp is to equip these girls with essential skills to improve their career prospects. All 52 participants are high school graduates and their training is scheduled to be completed by February 12. During the camp, the girls are taught how to operate drones, as well as how to assemble, disassemble and repair them. This is a residential camp and no fee is charged for boarding and lodging. Additionally, she informed that five girls who excel during the training will be gifted drones at no cost.