DCF lays out green agenda for ULB polls

The Dehradun Citizens Forum (DCF) has called for a green agenda for the district and Uttarakhand in light of the ensuing urban local bodies elections. Members of the DCF presented this demand while releasing a green agenda during a Press conference here on Monday.
Addressing the media, founder of the Social Development for Communities (SDC) Foundation and member of the DCF, Anoop Nautiyal said that elected mayors have historically prioritised issues like sanitation, birth certificate issuance and waste management, often neglecting critical issues such as traffic congestion, deforestation and climate change. As a result, the DCF has consulted its members to create a demand report urging candidates in this year’s urban local body elections to focus on a green agenda that addresses these vital concerns.
Nautiyal said that the report includes 18 key demands which focus on the need for the political parties to release a green manifesto for the State as well as for the city, monitoring of Uttrakhand urban vision 2025 and provide mentorship and training for the elected representatives across the state. He also highlighted demands related to resolving traffic congestion, improving public transport, developing a climate action plan, establishing ward committees and taking steps to designate the permanent capital of the state.
Further, Nautiyal stressed the importance of authorities formulating a Municipal Council Act tailored to their needs, rather than relying on the existing framework from Uttar Pradesh. He urged candidates to involve public participation in urban planning and implementation. Additionally, the green agenda also insists on implementing the 18th subjects assigned to municipal bodies under the 12th schedule of the constitution.
He further added that after submitting the demand report to relevant officials and political parties, the DCF plans to organise a dialogue programme for the nominated candidates for mayor. During this programme, they will present and discuss the demands outlined in the report.
Other members of DCF have also insisted on additional demands that should be fulfilled by the candidates in this urban local bodies election, including pedestrian walkways, temperature regulation, stopping deforestation, rainwater harvesting and more.