For some youths, hairdo more important than safety provided by helmet

Sunday, 11 June 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN
A number of youths riding two-wheelers avoid wearing a helmet lest it spoil their hairstyle. Some young adults point out that wearing a helmet while riding a two-wheeler spoils their hairstyle. On the other hand, adults point out that parents of such youths also tend to avoid wearing a helmet which encourages their wards to also ignore safety and violate rules.
A student Ayush said “I can’t ruin my hairstyle just to wear a helmet. That does not mean I don’t have a helmet in my scooty. I carry the helmet every time but rarely wear it. I wear the helmet whenever I see the police,” he said.
Young adult Rishabh said, “My school and tuitions are near my house so I don’t find any reason to wear a helmet for a short distance. Even my father doesn’t wear a helmet while riding to a place which is not far from my home.”
Local resident Harjeet said that a primary school is located near his house. He said that every morning he notices that parents drop their children at school in two-wheelers without themselves wearing a helmet. He further said it’s the parents who encourage their student to avoid wearing a helmet by not using it themselves while riding.
Concerning this, the superintendent of police (traffic) Akshay Konde said, “Yes, there is a trend among some young adults who do not wear a helmet to prevent it from affecting their hairstyle. However, parents also indirectly influence their children in such actions so, I would suggest that parents should interact and give proper guidance to their children concerning wearing a helmet while riding. We also run Operation Morning Storm to act against traffic violations committed by minors. Under this drive, we also raise awareness among minors and their parents about laws for underage driving.”