GUEST COLUMN : Keeping pets- a wonderful life experience

AK Srivastava
God made this world for all of his creatures from human beings and animals to sea mammals, birds and colorful butterflies. All these creatures are of different mental abilities, physical strength, size and colour. Human beings are the most powerful and intelligent among all these creatures and they have been domesticating many animals and birds since the inception of civilisation. Many animals and birds have been our friends and companions and we have shared our feelings and sentiments with them. All this has always made our lives more lively and pleasant.
As legendary musician Dick Dale said, “There’s a saying. If you want someone to love you forever, buy a dog, feed it and keep it around.” Dogs, cats, cows, turtles, fish, horses and elephants etc have always lived with human beings as friends and useful partners offering us milk, meat, skin and medicines. Their love and attachment to their masters have always been unconditional and spontaneous. It is a wonderful experience for anyone to be greeted by a pet dog with a shaking tail and lifted paws. Similarly, it is pathetic to see him become sad when his master leaves home. Dogs are smart, courageous and wonderful night watchmen at home and in the agricultural fields. They are amazingly attached to the family that domesticates them. It is said that dogs are more attached to human beings and cats are surprisingly fond of the place where they are kept or domesticated. Different varieties of these animals exhibit different traits of character. Certain varieties of dogs need attention, care and specialised food. While many varieties are maintenance free and they are happy go lucky all the time. American humorist Robert Benchley had stated, “A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.” Similarly, cows, goats and buffaloes are sources of food and milk and they also reciprocate human love and affection magnificently. Some of these animals are associated with our religion and affect our lifestyle. Hindus treat cows with reverence and consider them mothers as they are the source of milk. Horses and elephants have also been associated with human beings since the beginning of civilisation. Their presence on battlefields and on ceremonial occasions has always been graceful and elegant. Fish is associated with fortune and many people like to keep them in their home. It symbolises peace, tranquility and good luck.
It is believed that animals help us in getting rid of any negativity or harmful effects from our home and workplace. They teach us many virtues of life like patience, faithfulness and offering unconditional love and affection. They can make us feel relaxed and tension free at the time of crises and lower our blood pressure. Most people enjoy the company of their pets at the time of loneliness and discomfort.
Domesticating these animals involves a great sense of responsibility and care. Animals become family members and the slightest problem with them troubles us both mentally and physically. They cannot be left alone, unprotected and uncared for. Once the animals are domesticated they depend on their masters for everything and they cannot be left in the forest. They also refuse to change their places and masters. If such a situation arises they find it very difficult to adjust and fall ill. Medical expenses for such animals are exorbitant and some people decide to abandon them when they fall ill. This condition is particularly troublesome and pathetic for them as they are not used to difficult times. They die in rough weather conditions and without proper medical aid. Another problem is that some of these animals develop serious and contagious diseases which become health hazards for small children and other members of the family. Most of the pets are non vegetarians and find it difficult to adjust to vegetarian people. Sometimes their behaviour is strange and unpredictable; for example a dog suddenly starts barking endlessly disturbing the sleep of the whole family or it may enjoy responding to another dog in the middle of the night.
The members of the family that own them are so attached to them that they find it difficult to adjust in the event of their death. The illness and death of domesticated animals can be unnerving and extremely painful. One can say that it is a special experience to keep animals at home and share the joys and sorrows of life in their company. They are beautiful, charming and gracious partners for human beings. One who has not experienced their world has missed the exquisite pleasure of life. There is a mystery as well as fascination in their unique lifestyle full of love, wisdom, attachment and faithfulness.As American journalist and author Jon Katz rightly said, “Animals have come to mean so much in our lives. We live in a fragmented and disconnected culture. Politics are ugly, religion is struggling, technology is stressful and the economy is unfortunate. What’s one thing that we have in our lives that we can depend on? A dog or a cat loves us unconditionally, every day, very faithfully.”
(The author is principal of DAV Inter College in Dehradun. Views expressed are personal)