GUEST COLUMN : Physical activities should be part of everyone’s life
Health is not only an asset but a resource too which should be nurtured by all. Whatever we achieve, whether natural or manmade, can only be used and enjoyed when we are healthy. Hence, everybody should strive to remain as healthy as possible. But, how can we achieve this good health is the pertinent question.
Obesity is a self-created problem caused due to a shift to a sedentary lifestyle. Acquired lifestyle is not difficult to change but a strong conviction is needed to change the mindset. By changing our lifestyle we can change our health and ultimately our life because thoughts are the primary source of all actions. Obesity is considered to be the mother of all diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, degenerative arthritis etc. The cause of obesity is mainly overeating, limited activity, stress and lifestyle changes. If we want to reduce weight the first thing we have to do is reduce calorie consumption or increase the burning of calories. One can understand how important is to balance earning and burning of calories on a daily basis. The measurement of the body weight on a daily basis can be a simple, easy and effective screening test to maintain the body weight. It is suggested that all homes should have a weighing machine.
More than 80 per cent of the world’s adolescent population is physically inactive. People who are inactive have 20 per cent increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active. Inactivity in children is a matter of concern. Physical activities in children are decreasing due to scarcity of space to play particularly for sports even as the size of the homes, school grounds and public parks are decreasing due to the exuberant cost of land. Physical activities have significant health benefits for the heart, body, bones and mind. Regular physical activity is one of the most important things one can do to maintain good health. Being physically active you can manage weight issues, reduce the risk of diseases, improve your brain health, strengthen bones and muscles and improve your ability to do all routine activities. All the organs of the body including the heart need exercise. The heart cannot do any voluntary exercise itself but any physical exercise will force the heart muscles to work more proportionately. Walking, jogging and running are good exercises which indirectly help to boost heart health. As our limbs become stronger with exercise, so does the heart. One of the prime hallmarks of ageing is that our physical capacity for activity decreases. There is no drug which can benefit a person like exercise. Exercise improves the activity to metabolise both glucose and fat. It brings many biochemical changes in the body like release of cytokines, dopamine and serotonin etc. It is never too late to start exercising. Something is better than nothing, overall even a few minutes of regular exercise by an individual will increase his or her lifespan.
Walking, running and jogging do not cost anything to an individual. According to an estimate, depending on your weight you can burn 100-200 calories with 30 minutes of brisk walking. According to the American Diabetes Association a diabetic should walk 30 minutes a day. One should walk nearly 10,000 feet or 7.5 km in a day which can usually be covered in 1 hour 30 minutes to maintain good health.
Scientifically and technically, any activity can be considered an exercise because the muscles are working and consuming more energy than when at the rest. Physical activity is not just exercise but includes all other activities that involve movement for example walking, jogging, running, dancing, swimming, gardening, cleaning, Yoga and any other activities. These are all exercises which burn your calories. Exercise could be planned or structured or unplanned or unstructured but should be a part of daily life. All domestic works are to be considered as exercise. Hand grip exercise is a simple exercise and can be done in any setting including in the office. The benefit of hand grip exercise is as good as any vigorous outdoor exercise. A study performed in the United Kingdom wherein over nearly half a million patients participated found that the hand gripper is an excellent tool to exercise and to strengthen the muscles of the upper limb. There is a link between muscular strength and cardio respiratory fitness and neuron degeneration. The weaker the grip strength, the more chances of dementia.
Maximum oxygen consumption refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilise during intense or maximal exercise. This measurement is generally considered the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. If you want to improve your fitness then you should maximise your oxygen consumption. The more oxygen your body consumes and uses, the fitter you become. The amount of oxygen consumption depends on age, weight, height and gender.
As the economic status of our country is growing so is the citizen’s. Overeating, overweight and obesity are becoming prevalent in affluent society. Because of the demand for long hours of work and inability to get suitable accommodation nearby, people are travelling long distances to work. Most of the working young people and particularly those who are single do not have enough time to cook food and hence prefer fast food and junk food containing mainly starch, sugar, salt and oil. Many eateries rarely or never provide dishes containing vegetables and fresh fruits.
We have given an acronym DEWS (Diet, Exercise, Work and Sleep) as the key to good health. Most of the medical problems are caused due to imbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle, undesired work and inadequate sleep. Eating right, being active, doing desirable work and having adequate sleep are the keys to healthy life. In addition to above, if an individual can abstain from the habit of alcoholism and smoking, then he will be much healthier.
(The authors are orthopaedic surgeons based in Dehradun. The views expressed are personal)