PITS B Ed College & UCOST host IPR workshop

Thursday, 29 FEBRUARY 2024 | PNS | UTTARKASHI
PITS B Ed College Manpur Uttarkashi hosted a one- day workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in collaboration with Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST). The organisers claimed that the main objective of this workshop was to make teachers, students and the common people aware of the importance, types and uses of IPR. In the course of this workshop, a number of IPR experts gave presentations, dwelling in details on various aspects of IPR.
The professor of the Degree College, Tilak Ram Prajapati expounded copyright, trademark and GI Tag among others while Diwakar Boudh spoke on the benefits and challenges facing IPR. UCOST’s scientist Himanshu Goel introduced the IPR- related works done by his institute online. The sub-divisional magistrate Bhatwari Brijesh Kumar Tiwari who was present as the chief guest said that importance of awareness of the nuanced IPR could hardly be over-emphasised and hailed the workshop initiative as beneficial for teachers, students and the common people who did not have clear conception of what IPR meant. On this occasion, he also exhorted those present to exercise their franchise in the upcoming Lok Sabha election.