SRHU hosts seminar on science of joyful living

Swami Rama Himalayan University organised a one-day seminar on ‘Science of Joyful Living’ at Raj Bhavan auditorium. While inaugurating the seminar, the Governor Lt General Gurmit Singh (Retd) said that to live a blissful life, one should not depend upon others. “Happiness always needs to be brought from within and we have to make a habit of always being happy,” he said and added that working for the welfare of others brings a different level of bliss.
In his address, the chancellor of the university Vijay Dhasmana expounded the essence of blissful life. He stressed on the constructive use of emotions and on balanced diet coupled with regular exercises. He further said that the seminar was focused on the concept of a healthy mind in a healthy body. While paranayama cleanses breathing mediation calms down mind, he said.