Missing childhood

Wednesday, 19 May 2021 | Pioneer
The kids are being forced to miss their childhood. Are we not missing it, too?
As Corona’s second wave ebbs, people are already worried about the third one which, as per experts, is going to be tough on children. The third wave or not, kids across the country are going through a rough phase in their life. For over a year, they are locked inside their homes, having little excess to their playgrounds and friends. Almost all the places these kids loved to hang out are out of bounds. This is bad for their physical and mental health. The online classrooms may have saved their year but it is taking the toll on their eyes and daily routines. Their physical and mental health is at risk. As digital platforms are the only medium at their disposal, many children have got addicted to it. Many parents report noticeable behavioural changes in children, which surely is a grave concern. They are doing everything on it, except studying. The free access to internet has its own perils. Experts feel that exposure to digital media has caused several disorders. Children are showing addiction, aggressive behaviour, anxiety, attention and concentration issues, and depression. These disorders are not generally associated with young children.
What worries most parents is if online education is the only alternative. They feel if their child is learning through online classes, what would have they learned at school? Going to school and meeting other children and teachers is valuable learning in itself. It instills a sense of social bonhomie and disciplines them. A child’s growth is not only about the studies but various other curricular activities, which are absent these days. The teacher can have a better understanding of the child’s progress on the school premises. Many children tend to take online lessons rather easy. They chat or play games while the class goes on and the teacher can’t do anything about it. Many children are losing interest in studies. Even when the schools reopen, it would not be the same life for our children. They would have to relearn to wake up early, get ready, and have breakfast before the school bus arrives. They have almost forgotten outdoor games and how they intermingled with their friends. Corona is not only claiming lives, it is ruining the lives of the next generation. A scare has seeped deep into their minds. The children’s childhood is at stake and nobody knows when they will be able to reclaim it.