Projects designed by IMA cadets to receive patent application numbers

Sunday, 18 June 2023 | PNS | DEHRADUN
The cadets of thes Indian Military Academy (IMA) have shown that apart from being the future leaders of the armed forces they possess good scientific aptitude and temperament. Five science and technology projects developed by cadets of Army Cadet College (ACC) wing of the IMA have been granted patent application numbers by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade.
These deemed to be provisional patents have been given to the projects developed by cadets in the Jigyasa lboratory established at IMA in August 2021.
The projects for which patent application numbers have been granted include peso electric powered thermal jackets for use by soldiers in cold areas, automatic ammunition loader for personal weapons, rover drone which can operate both in aerial and ground role and soldier navigation and communication system. The IMA is now required to submit working prototypes of these projects by May 2024 for further action.
A communiqué from the academy stated,“The ideas for these projects were generated by the cadets and conceptualised under the aegis of UNISED, an NGO registered with the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Professors from various IITs have been mentoring the cadets to bring their ideas to fruition.”
The IMA commandant lieutenant general VK Mishra appreciated the effort of the cadets and said that hands-on exposure to new emerging technologies is a key part of training at IMA so that future military leaders are better prepared to handle the technologically intensive battlefield of the future.