Ramleela to start in Doon on October 3

Monday, 23 SEPTEMBER 2024 | PNS | DEHRADUN
The Ramakrishna Leela Samiti Tehri, 1952, will organise the Ramleela in Dehradun which will commence on October 3 and continue until October 13, the samiti president, Abhinav Thapar said. Informing about the event, he said that the historic Ramleela of Tehri, which had been held in Azad Maidan from 1952 till Old Tehri was submerged in 2002, was revived in Dehradun in 2023 after 21 years. He highlighted that in 2023, the Ramleela in Dehradun attracted a record 10 lakh people through various mediums, featuring a laser show and digital live telecast for the first time in the history of Uttarakhand.
In view of the last year’s result of Ramleela, Thapar emphasised that the upcoming Ramleela will also include a special attraction: the broadcast of Ramleela staging through the digital live telecast system, which is expected to be watched by more than 50 lakh viewers this year. The event will incorporate digital screen and other digital technology for staging, while maintaining the traditional elements like Chaupai, Katha, dialogue and staging similar to the famous and ancient Ramleela of Garhwal. He said that this performance also plays an important role in preserving the history and traditions of Sanatan Dharma and connecting future generations with their heritage.