CEO takes public feedback of special summary revision programme

The chief electoral officer BVRC Purushottam visited many booths in Dehradun on Saturday and took feedback on the super checking campaign underway in the State under the special summary revision programme- 2025 of the electoral rolls. He met the general public and took the feedback of the campaign. The CEO visited the booths located at Kanwali road, Kanwali village, Bindal bridge, Majara and Old Dalanwala and took feedback on randomly selected claims and objections.
The CEO requested that the residents of the state can initiate the process of registering the name of any of their family members in the electoral rolls who has completed 18 years of age on January 1, 2025, can fill the form VI. He said that the name of any member of a family can be added or amended with the help of ‘voter helpline App’. The additional CEO VK Jogdande accompanied the CEO.