Covid +ve report no longer must for hospital admission

Sunday, 09 May 2021 | PNS | New Delhi
In view of the huge delay in delivery of RT-PCR test reports, the Union Health Ministry on Saturday did away with the necessity of a positive Covid-19 test report for admission to a health facility.
Also, no patient will be refused services on any account, including oxygen and essential drugs, even if s/he belongs to a different city, the Ministry said in its revised national policy for admission of Covid patients to various dedicated health facilities, both public and private.
The move aims to ensure the early treatment of the suspected Covid patients, but it could put further pressure on the already strained health facilities leaving the patients at the receiving end.
For infections are surging each passing day as India reels under the deadly second Covid wave, and there has been reports from across the country about patients with dipping oxygen levels running around from one hospital to another, their relatives pleading with hospital authorities to admit them, while hospitals have been making SOS calls to the Government for oxygen supply.
Shortage of basic medicines and medical facilities like the availability of ambulances has made the matter worse for the patients. The toll is surpassing each passing day.
As per the guidelines which the Ministry termed as “patient-centric measure aimed to ensure a prompt, effective, and comprehensive treatment of patients suffering from Covid-19,” hospitals under the Central Government, State Governments and UT administration, including private hospitals managing Covid patients shall ensure that requirement of a positive test for Covid-19 virus is not mandatory for admission to a Covid health facility.
“A suspect case shall be admitted to the suspect ward of Covid Care Centre (CCC), Dedicated Covid Health Centre (DCHC) of Dedicated Covid Hospital (DHC) as the case may be,” the directive to all the States and UTs said.
It said no patient will be refused services on any count which includes medications such as oxygen or essential drugs even if the patient belongs to a different city.
“No patient shall be refused admission on the ground that s/he is not able to produce a valid identity card that does not belong to the city where the hospital is located,” it said.
The Ministry also said admissions to the hospital must be “based on need”.
“It should be ensured that beds are not occupied by persons who do not need hospitalisation. Further, the discharge should be strictly in accordance with the revised discharge policy,” it said.
The Ministry said it has advised the chief secretaries of States/Union territories to issue necessary orders and circulars, incorporating these directions within three days, which shall be enforced till replaced by an appropriate uniform policy.