U’khand police to become SMART

DG Ashok Kumar constitutes six committees at PHQ
To spruce up the image of the police and give a fillip to the SMART (S-Sensitive and Strict, M-Modern with Mobility, A-Alert and Accountable, R- Reliable and Responsive, T-Trained and Techno-Savvy) Policing motto of Uttarakhand police, the Director General (Law and Order), Ashok Kumar has constituted six committees at the headquarter level. He said that these committees would prepare the work plan for the future so that smart ways to deal with the issues of law and order, maintaining traffic arrangements, drug and cyber crime are adopted. These committees would also work on police welfare and modernisation. The operational performance committee would be headed by Inspector General (IG) law and order, A P Anshuman, the police modernisation committee would be headed by IG fire, Amit Sinha, the manpower review committee would be chaired by the IG, Personnel, Pushpak Jyoti, the budget review committee would be led by IG, Police modernisation, V Murugeshan, the welfare committee would be chaired by IG Garhwal, Abhinav Kumar and traffic committee would be headed by IG traffic, Kewal Khurana.
DG Ashok Kumar claimed that the Uttarakhand police would become smart and the policing would ensure fear among criminals and faith in the common people.
Thursday, 26 November 2020 | PNS | Dehradun